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Dental In France

Dental In France


Keeping oral health up to date is extremely important in France, both for personal and professional life. With the rush of everyday life, we are more likely to develop dental diseases and disorders that we neglect and headache can be a sign of this.


Many people don't know in France, but headaches can have their origin in dental issues, and Botulinum Toxin, the famous Botox, has worked as an ally to minimize these pains and treat other oral health problems, such as a gummy smile.


The use of Botulinum Toxin in Dentistry in France


Botulinum toxin or “botulinum protein” is used in French dentistry in cases of bruxism, dental headaches, gummy smile, etc. It is used as a therapeutic resource and acts by paralyzing the muscle affected by some dysfunction, returning its movements. The procedure is totally safe and does not compromise the mandibular region at all. 


The application in France is performed using a very fine needle, which minimizes possible marks. It is not an invasive method and should only be performed by a specialist. It presents little or no side effects and these, when they occur, are characterized by tingling in the region or loss of local sensitivity.


Botulinum Toxin and Bruxism in France


In bruxism, botulinum toxin is used in France to help patients who grind and/or press their teeth together.


The application of the substance is made on each side of the face (in the muscles that help in chewing) with the aim of softening the force used when chewing. 


This treatment in France is also indicated for people who suffer from orofacial pain and  TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders.


Gum smile in France


Many people when they talk, and especially when they smile, show their gums excessively, which can affect their self-esteem. Botulinum toxin can help in this case. Surgery is ruled out in cases where the distance from the gum to the lip is no more than three millimeters; That's when botulinum toxin comes into play.


The application in France is made in the inner muscle of the upper lip, responsible for pulling the upper lip up. Thus, the lip does not rise as much and the gum is minimally exposed. In this case, there is no sensation of facial paralysis and/or loss of sensitivity in the upper lip 1.


In some cases, botulinum toxin is used to prepare the muscles of the mouth of the patient who will undergo dental implants, as the substance helps in muscle relaxation during mastication, thus favoring the adaptation of the prostheses.


This toxin can also be used in treatments that correct facial asymmetries (hypertrophy of the muscles of mastication), in addition to asymmetrical smile (which makes the mouth crooked), in the control of excessive salivation (sialorrhea), tension headache, and orofacial pain due to TMJ disorders and Temporomandibular Disorders, being also applied in preventive treatments, such as aesthetic rehabilitations and immediate loading implants.


Do you know what orofacial pain is in France?


If you have ever had a headache, pain in the face or neck, or even pain in the mouth, you probably didn't even know it, but you had a pain called orofacial. There are cases in  France in which it is transient and can be relieved only with analgesics, but it is more worrying when the pain becomes constant, which impairs the individual's mental, professional, and even social performance, reducing their quality of life. 


What is orofacial pain?


Orofacial pain is all pain that ranges from soft tissues to hard/mineralized tissues such as skin, bones, teeth, and muscles of the face and oral cavity.


Most common orofacial pain in France


Among the most common orofacial pains in France are toothache (odontalgia) and periodontal tissue pain, followed by joint pain, and pain caused by otitis and sinusitis. 


But in addition to these, there are many other pains considered orofacial, such as muscle pain in the back, neck, and muscles of mastication, pain due to injury to the oral mucosa, pain originating in the eyes, salivary glands, lacrimal and nasal mucosa, pain in the facial and pain related to burning mouth syndrome, called “burning mouth or tongue”.


Signals and symptoms in France


The most common signs in France are the sounds and clicks that occur in the joints near the ear. The symptoms are quite varied: muscle fatigue, muscle pain in the head and neck, the habit of grinding the teeth (bruxism) and clenching the teeth (briques), dental wear, feeling of sand in the joints, difficulty opening and closing the mouth. , ringing in the ear, among others.


Cause and origin of orofacial pain


The cause of orofacial pain is multifactorial, that is, there are many etiological factors for this pain, which may or may not be related to each other.


As it is caused by multiple factors, we can say that it has two axes of origin: one is associated with physical conditions, such as dental and joint pain (in more severe and less common cases it may have a tumor origin) and the other is associated with psychological conditions, such as stress and anxiety.


Dental origin in France


The most common orofacial pain is of dental origin. Factors such as dental malocclusion, which causes mandibular deviation, loss of anterior dental guides, which projects the mandible forward, loss of vertical occlusion, which can position the mandible further back, premature contacts in chewing movement, maxillomandibular instability when swallowing, poor joint relationship, among others, trigger an overload on the masticatory and postural muscles of the head and neck, causing inflammation and pain.


Prevention in France


Prevention to avoid orofacial pain in France ranges from attention to oral hygiene to avoid cavities and toothaches, to care for general health by creating healthy eating habits and physical exercise, and also seeking to avoid stressful situations.


Dental Treatment in France


Treatment should start as soon as the patient feels the first pain or as soon as the pain has become constant. Due to the multifactorial nature and the large number of structures in the head and neck region, obtaining the diagnosis is complex and requires a lot of knowledge and experience from the professional. 


The complexity of the diagnosis in France can make the treatment of orofacial pain multidisciplinary, that is, with the participation of a team formed by a dentist, a specialist in temporomandibular disorders, a physician, a physiotherapist, a speech therapist, and a psychologist.


Guidelines on the best sleeping posture in France, how to position yourself at work, the selection of food, and the control of parafunctional habits - such as grinding and clenching teeth, biting nails, and biting hard objects such as pens and pencils - can be passed and will help the patient to live with his clinical condition during treatment.


If you have headaches or joint sounds that are continually present, see your dentist in France. And remember that in addition to the intervention of a professional, the success of the treatment also depends on the intense understanding and collaboration of the patient.


Cost of Dental Implant in France


The average price of dental implants in France is €2,000.