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Dental In Chile

Dental In Chile


It is estimated that in 2022, 400.000 Americans cross borders into Chile looking for dental care, with a growing rate of 20% per year.

Anyone can lose a tooth. However, the removed tooth must have its successor as soon as possible. 


This is supported by both aesthetic and health reasons, and this is because missing teeth can lead to the loss of subsequent teeth, and accelerate their decay and decay. 


In addition, the loss of teeth causes problems with chewing food. In this case, the result will be swallowing too large, uncrushed bites. Such food, on the other hand, interferes with the digestive process.


Missing teeth can be eliminated with dentures or classic bridges in Chile, but one of the best and most convenient ways is to replace the missing tooth with an artificial tooth. 


Dental implants in Chile are aesthetic, safe, and, above all, have an invaluable impact on health. Modern implantology with the use of anesthesia significantly improves the patient's comfort during the implantation procedure.


Tooth implant procedure in Chile


The tooth implant in Chile can be inserted into the already-healed bone and the fresh socket.


It is essential that there is enough bone around the implant.


Implants screwed into the bone provide stabilization and fuse with the bone. This integration of the bone with the implants is necessary for implants to transmit high masticatory forces in the future.


Implant – a perfect tooth in Chile 


A natural tooth consists of a visible crown and a root located in the jawbone and mandible. Tooth implants replace missing teeth. 


They are commonly understood as their prostheses, but they are specific prostheses. First of all, implants are permanently placed. Implantation is performed under anesthesia.


The dentist in Chile screws an implant into the empty space left by the extracted tooth, tightens the prosthetic connector, and cements a porcelain crown on it. 


It is worth knowing that the tooth crown is made of porcelain, while the scaffolding is made of dental steel or gold. The most expensive, but also the most aesthetic, are all-ceramic crowns. 


Such crowns do not need metal scaffolding - the height is the part that can be seen. However, each tooth also has a root located in the jawbone and mandible. A tooth implant, i.e. the actual root, is placed in the jaw bone in place of the previously removed natural root. 


The dentist in Chile then places the implant abutment and tooth crown on top of this artificial root. Artificial roots are made of titanium. Why? Because titanium is the metal most compatible with human tissues - biologically compatible. 


Titanium also easily fuses with human bone. Implants are only a few millimeters in diameter and up to one centimeter long. 


They are similar to natural tooth roots. The advantage of implants is that the dentist selects the size of the artificial tooth and the connector form individually for each patient. A tooth, even an artificial one, must be aesthetic and functional.


It is essential to take good care of your oral hygiene after your gums have healed. You can also consult a doctor if you feel that healing is not going well.


What determines the price of a tooth implant in Chile?


There is no doubt that the dental implant procedure is not the cheapest. For some, it may involve a significant reduction in the home budget, so when deciding on such a procedure, we first look in Chile for a clinic whose services will be the most beneficial for us.


Many patients are surprised by the range in prices in Chile when looking for a suitable place for the procedure. In different offices, the price for implanting one tooth implant can vary by up to several thousand zlotys. 


It should be noted that the differences in prices are primarily related to the costs of doing business (e.g. the margin imposed by the doctor), and not to the quality of the implant itself. 


Such large differences are mainly influenced by the location of the office. We will spend much more on dental implants in the capital and larger cities than in smaller towns. 


As in any business, the prices of nearby, competitive offices are taken into account when setting rates. In addition, a different offer will be offered by a dentist who performs a lot of procedures and already has a lot of experience, and another one who implants sporadically. 


A dentist in Chile for whom implantology is one of the leading specializations will rather charge moderate prices because such a procedure is a daily bread for him, he has extensive experience and can conduct it much more efficiently and quickly.


In some offices, in addition to the implant fee, additional fees are charged for the procedure of unveiling the implant, placing a healing screw, taking impressions, fittings, consultations, or setting a treatment plan, which makes up the high price of the tooth implant procedure.


Bone reconstruction procedures may also increase the cost of the implant in Chile treatment if the patient has lost it, e.g. as a result of tooth extraction several years ago or prolonged use of dentures. 


In such cases, preparations have been used that cause the growth of bone tissue so that it is possible to screw the implant into this place. Occasionally, an open or closed sinus lift may also be necessary. 


Depending on the extent and difficulty of such a procedure and the amount of material used, the costs may vary.


The cost of the entire implant procedure can be calculated by dentists in very different ways, so it is worth analyzing several offers and choosing the right one for you.


Cost of Dental in Chile


The cost of dental in Chile is around 1492$.