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Dental In Albania

Dental In Albania


Many people in Albania constantly experience pain in the head and jaw area, which can interfere with closing and opening the mouth and chewing. These pains often originate in some tissue of the face - known as orofacial pain - or in problems with the temporomandibular joint. Find out more below!


What is TMJ?


TMJ is the acronym for Temporomandibular Joint, which is the support that connects the jaw to the skull. It is located below the ear and is responsible for the movement we make with the mouth.


This joint is formed by muscles, ligaments, joint capsules, bone tissues, and joint disc, among other structures, that is, it is a complex apparatus with nerve endings. It is a bilateral joint (located to the right and left of our face, below the ear) that works as a unit, that is, the left joint cannot move without the right joint also moving.


TMD Problems in Albania


The Temporomandibular Joint can face problems when its support is not working normally. We then have a case of Temporomandibular Disorder or TMD in Albania.


Such dysfunctions impair speech, chewing, and swallowing. Classic symptoms of TMD are considered: pain and limitation when opening the mouth, occurrence of pain during chewing, difficulty in speaking, and occurrence of clicks or pops in this region.


If you have difficulty chewing, especially when you ingest foods that require more jaw effort if you feel constant pain when opening and closing your mouth, or if you hear noises, such as clicking, when opening your mouth, you should seek help from a dentist immediately, as only he will be able to give you the correct treatment and the information necessary for your improvement.


Here are some complaints from patients in Albania suffering from TMD:

  • - Toothache, headache, neck, muscle, face, and ear pain (tinnitus and hearing loss);

  • – Deviations in the jaw when opening and closing the mouth;

  • – Small locks in the mouth, whether closed or open;

  • – Difficulty opening the mouth;

  • - Cracking noise and sensation of trepidation, as if eating sand.


TMD is caused by several factors, such as trauma to the jaw region (falls, accidents, strong blows to the mouth region, TMJ problems, bruxism), emotional stress, and muscle hyperactivity.


Orofacial Pain in Albania


It is a pain that is associated with mineralized and soft tissues, that is, bones, teeth, blood vessels, skin, muscles, and glands of the face and oral cavity. Some clinical circumstances in Albania are often associated with orofacial pain, such as autoimmune diseases, tumors, trauma, neuralgia, temporomandibular disorders (TMD), etc.


Orofacial pain has two main causes: psychological or physical conditions (somatic or neuropathic pain). They can appear in the neck and head region and can be confused and even associated with headache, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and neck pain.


If you have been feeling any of these numerous symptoms and suspect orofacial pain or temporomandibular disorders, look for a specialist. The most common orofacial pain has a dental origin; in this case, the indication is to seek evaluation by a dentist.


Wake up well: get rid of bruxism in Albania


If when you wake up you feel jaw pain or headaches, you may be suffering from bruxism. Notice if your teeth are sore or worn down. This could be a sign that confirms the suspicion. 


What is bruxism?


It is a functional disorder characterized by teeth grinding that occurs mainly during sleep.


Bruxism  can cause problems in the  temporomandibular joint (TMJ). From time to time, bruxism can also cause the destruction of the surrounding bone and the tissue that surrounds the gum.


Most people don't know they have bruxism, as teeth wear out during sleep. Other people only find out when they decide to see the dentist due to pain in the jaw region or pain in their teeth.


What are the causes of bruxism in Albania?


Although there is no exact consensus among experts in Albania about the causes, it is known that most of them occur due to psychological and/or physical factors, such as:

  • Rage

  • Stress

  • Voltage

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

  • Other sleep-related problems, such as apnea

  • Backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus and later into the mouth

  • Malocclusion of the mouth, due to abnormal alignment of the teeth


Some factors can contribute more to bruxism appearing and becoming a nuisance. If you are a person with aggressive, nervous, or hyperactive characteristics, you need to be careful, because it is in these conditions that the body is conducive to the appearance of bruxism. 


In addition, some substances harmful to human health can stimulate bruxism, such as caffeine, nicotine, drugs, and alcoholic beverages, as they directly affect the nervous system. The occurrence of bruxism is more common in children, and usually disappears in adolescence, but it is always good to be aware, regardless of age.


How to treat bruxism in Albania?


Treatment depends on the cause. Reducing or ending pain and preventing permanent damage to the teeth are the goals of treatment. The most recommended in Albania are:

  • Relax: The stress of everyday life, with a busy life, seems to be one of the main causes of bruxism. Therefore, you need to focus on ways to relax and relieve tension, such as reading a book, listening to music, exercising, etc. The important thing is to relax. To relieve pressure in the area, many people make compress with hot or warm water, which helps to deflate the affected area. 

  • Match the bite:  in some cases, it is necessary to use orthodontic techniques, crowns, and restorations. 

  • Wearing braces:  used at bedtime and custom-made, the device works as if it were a "denture" used only at bedtime. The use of braces prevents friction between the teeth at night (which is often imperceptible to people). Its use is not seen as a cure but as a palliative treatment.


As a form of prevention, the tip is to reduce stress as much as possible and know how to manage anxiety better. Pain and other symptoms may indicate other oral health disorders, such as orofacial pain or TMD (temporomandibular disorder).


The average price of dental implants in Albania


The cost of a dental implant is around 300 Euros in Albania. This comes due to much lower tax rates than in Italy or Europe.