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Plastic Surgery In Hong Kong



Bat wings", a common expression to indicate arms lacking in a tone of the skin tissue and often characterized by a significant adipose accumulation. Aging, sudden weight changes, and in some cases even heredity are the most common causes of this cosmetic problem. 


A brachial imperfection cannot always be solved with one and constant physical exercise and therefore when this is not possible, plastic surgery and Brachioplasty can be used.

Also known as arm lifting, the operation is aimed at reducing both adipose accumulation and excess skin tissue in situ and therefore remodeling them. 


The operation is useful and effective but often worries patients about the subsequent scarring that the surgical techniques entail. Brachioplasty, in fact, guarantees the removal of excess tissues from the arms through, however, particular incisions extended horizontally in length. 


The latter can be practiced within the axillary cavity in the case of the mini lifting of the arms, or alternatively from this same area up to the elbow in the more serious cases of complete Brachioplasty. In more particular cases in Hong Kong, in fact, in the presence of large quantities of excess skin and adipose tissue, an incision is made along the entire intermediate/posterior portion of the arm. 


The scars will be red and inflamed in the first months and then progress towards a general aesthetic improvement thanks to the help of specific moisturizing and healing creams. On average, 12 to 18 months are required for total settlement and therefore the definitive imperceptibility of the suture marks, although the aesthetic improvement of the arms will be immediately after surgery.


The Brachioplasty technique is previously established in consultation with the surgeon in relation to the amount of fat to be removed and the skin tissue in access.




PRP is the English acronym for Platelet Rich Plasma, translated as platelet-rich plasma. It is a platelet graft, used for its effective cell regeneration action and stimulator of repair processes.


In aesthetic medicine, this therapy is used not only to restore the beauty of the skin, a victim of time but also to solve a problem that has always plagued men and women of any age: baldness.


In fact, thanks to the high platelet concentration, PRP plays a significant contribution in the processes of blood revascularization and cell proliferation which make it a growth factor suitable for the treatment of multiple hair pathologies. It is in fact useful for the treatment of forms of alopecia such as the aerated or androgenetic ones, or the most common ones that affect both women and men.


Unfortunately, positive results are not guaranteed in cases of total baldness. In fact, for the treatment, it is important that there is at least one, albeit reduced, presence of capillary stems. Furthermore, also defined as a vitality graft, the substance is a regenerative therapy used in particular in multiple medical-surgical fields: sports traumatology, eye surgery, dentistry, and reconstructive plastic surgery.


In aesthetic medicine in Hong Kong, the product, on the other hand, has an important anti-aging action and is also a possible solution for treating acne. In particular, with small localized injections of PRP, it is possible to obtain a light “filler effect” thanks to the cellular stimulation of collagen and elastin.


To conclude, of autologous origin, PRP is produced by the centrifugation of blood taken from the patient, with subsequent separation of the corpuscular fraction (mainly red blood cells) and the plasma fraction with a high platelet content. It is therefore a product without side effects and absolutely safe for the patient's health.




In addition to the traditional and periodic treatments with fillers, to define and increase the volume of the cheekbones, it is possible, for definitive results, to undergo surgery, properly defined as palatoplasty.


The operation involves the insertion of anatomical silicone prostheses in the zygomatic area that improve the total aesthetics of the midface. Distinct for size and projection, the prosthesis has extensions that simulate the malar tripod and their choice is always established in advance during the pre-operative visit with the patient.


In the operating room, the surgeon in Hong Kong can choose between different intervention techniques that allow the insertion of the prostheses in the malar area without necessarily damaging the external skin tissue. The first modality of access is endo-buccal. Through the oral cavity, an incision is made on the gum through which a pocket is made for housing the prosthesis. This technique is above all preferred because it allows for hiding future and possible scarring outcomes.


Alternatively, the surgeon can opt for the trans-eyelid access already known for lower blepharoplasty operations. In this case, in fact, the incision is made near the eyelid, below the lower lashes. In particular cases, it is possible to proceed with the insertion of the prostheses through trans-conjunctival access. The cut is made, with this technique, directly inside the conjunctiva of the eye, thus allowing to hide any external scar marks.


Finally, to insert the zygomatic prostheses, the malaroplasty operation can also be located during the face lifting operation. In fact, once the flap has been prepared to stretch the tissues of the face, it is possible, and simpler, to insert the prostheses in the zygomatic area at the same time if deemed appropriate. 


The intervention technique is always chosen after an accurate and careful evaluation of the tissue state of the face and of the malar area during the pre-operative visit. Establishing the elasticity and other characteristics of the skin allows the surgeon to choose when and why to opt for one technique or another.




Starts with 20,000 USD