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Plastic Surgery In Costa Rica

Plastic Surgery in Costa Rica


Biocompatible, resorbable, and invisible threads: this is the novelty of aesthetic medicine for a rejuvenation of the face without resorting to lifting (at least to make it necessary as late as possible).


The treatment with the suspension threads allows remodeling of the face and neck because it allows to reposition of the tissues with signs of sagging in their original position.


The results that can be obtained with the use of suspension threads, in addition to the repositioning of the tissues, are an evident correction of wrinkles and the stimulation of collagen at the epidermal level and therefore an increase in cell regeneration.


Another advantage of these threads is that they are positioned with the aid of a thin needle, without the need for cuts or sutures and therefore local anesthesia is sufficient.


Being biocompatible, after about 6 months there is their complete reabsorption, but the duration of the results can even exceed a year and a half, thanks to the collagen stimulated by their presence which increases and maintains the lifting effect.


Furthermore, the latest generation suspension wires have the advantage of being able to be anchored to a greater depth and are less visible from the outside, but the optimal result of the treatment is closely linked to the skill of the surgeon in Costa Rica who performs it, who if a particularly expert hand also manages to avoid or limit the appearance of post-session hematomas and bleeding.


The technique for positioning the suspension wires varies according to the areas to be treated, specifying that it is also possible to lift individual areas of the face such as the eyebrows, cheekbones, and jaw area.


It is appropriate to say that thanks to aesthetic medicine, the youth of the face can be hung by a thread of suspension.




The defects and imperfections of the female genitals, despite being hidden and not visible to everyone, can create psychological discomfort and therefore problems in relationships with the other sex.


In the historical period in which we live, the search for perfection on an aesthetic level is far greater than in the past and we are not surprised by the fact that, first in the United States and now also in Italy, the requests for labioplasty are constantly increasing.


But what exactly is a labioplasty? It is a plastic surgery procedure aimed at correcting the asymmetries of the small and large labia, due to congenital factors or related to the aging process.


Women who require such interventions are aged between 30 and 45, both single and married, and who feel embarrassed to undress in the gym or in front of their partner due to imperfections in their most intimate areas.


Furthermore, many of them also experience functional problems, such as pain during sexual intercourse or when practicing certain types of sports.


Finally, labioplasty makes these discomforts a distant memory, through highly innovative surgical techniques that require. 


Labioplasty requires short execution times (about 20/30 minutes) and as regards the reduction of the labia minora, we proceed with the elimination of excess skin, paying particular attention, to emphasizing the construction of rotation flaps of the vaginal mucosa, leaving no visible scars.


Is it dangerous to undergo a labioplasty? If you choose an expert plastic surgeon, labioplasty does not carry any danger, even if the treated area is more exposed to possible post-operative infections that require only some additional dressing.


When can you return to normal social life? After a few days, you can safely resume your sporting activities, while you will have to wait for a little longer (about 20 days) for sexual intercourse and for sport.


For a labioplasty operation performed by an expert surgeon, contact Beauty Surgery.




Liposuction was and remains one of the most requested interventions ever in plastic surgery, due to its appreciable results in terms of remodeling the silhouette.


We also often hear about liposculpture, but in reality most of cases it is a single intervention that involves the aspiration of localized fat (liposuction) and the remodeling of the affected area (liposculpture).


Professionals underline that every type of surgical technique must be "tailor-made" for the patient according to his physical characteristics and the results he intends to achieve and therefore liposuction has need careful pre-operative examination by the surgeon.


Who can undergo such interventions?


There are no sex differences between candidates for a liposuction or liposculpture body contouring, because both men and women can be prone to these annoying accumulations of fat in the hips, thighs, belly and buttocks, which do not go away even with a low-calorie diet or sport.


How does the intervention take place?


A liposuction or liposculpture can last from 30 minutes up to 2 hours and 30 in the operating room, because it all depends on the vastness of the area to be treated and the amount of adipose tissue to be removed. Suction takes place through rather thin cannulas that leave no visible scars. After the surgery, the patient will wear a containment sheath for a few weeks. The patient in his path of change from the first visit up to the entire course of the post-surgery, for greater serenity and safety in facing the operation.


What kind of anesthesia requires liposuction or liposculpture?


The type of anesthesia to be used depends on the type of intervention and its duration. For shorter operations, they opt for local anesthesia with sedation, but in case of leg remodeling, spinal anesthesia can be used. Costa Rica Professionals stress that the choice of anesthesia is a prerogative of the surgeon who knows how to act for the best of his patients.


How long after liposuction or liposculpture can you return to life as usual?


The postoperative period of liposuction or liposculpture is not very long and the healing times are quite fast. But it is important to strictly follow the therapy that is prescribed by the surgeon, in order not to feel pain and to start over with your daily activities.


For liposuction and liposculpture performed with high standards of safety and quality, you can rely on the surgeons of Beauty Surgery and their staff.


Plastic Surgery Cost In Costa Rica


Plastic Surgery Costs In Costa Rica around 4,000 - 4,500 US$