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Plastic Surgery In Lebanon


Lebanon is going through financial crisis at this time but did you know Gynecomastia means an excessive development of the male breast. This defect is experienced by many men with great discomfort, as it is visually rather immediate and often a source of embarrassment. The breast itself is in fact a female characteristic par excellence. It is no coincidence that many women, in an attempt to appear more feminine and voluptuous, undergo breast augmentation operations (or breast augmentation).


During the development phase it is completely normal to see an increase in the mammary gland even in boys, which soon atrophies. If this does not happen, we find ourselves in the condition of having a pronounced breast. Sometimes gynecomastia results from a simple accumulation of fat in the breast area (in this case it is referred to as false gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia), or due to an inability of the liver to eliminate excess estrogen (female hormones). There are no health consequences, only psychological ones. The derision of some adolescents leads parents to turn to the cosmetic surgeon in order to avoid their child being victims of bullying.


The use of cosmetic surgery in Lebanon is to combat gynecomastia is usually decisive and gives excellent results. Depending on whether it is real gynecomastia or false gynecomastia, there are different ways of intervening. In the case of established gynecomastia, the intervention consists in the removal of the hypertrophic mammary gland. If we are not faced with gynecomastia, but only with an excessive accumulation of fat, we intervene instead by removing excess fat. All this generally takes place under local anesthesia associated with sedation and on a day hospital basis, although hospitalization for at least one night may be recommended in some cases. The area undergoing surgery is wrapped in a compression type dressing. Swelling usually occurs, which gradually disappears 2-3 days after surgery.




Among the many almond eyesphysical characteristics that differentiate the various populations of the globe, Asians are distinguished by having the upper eyelid almost completely (or completely) devoid of the eyelid fold, or the part that acts as a divider between the upper and lower eyelids. The eye of the Asians appears in fact smaller and elongated (it is defined precisely as almond, since it recalls the elongated oval shape of the almond seed). 


If Western women appreciate this aesthetic characteristic by trying to reproduce it through the use of  make-up  such as the  eye liner  that can give the eye an elongated appearance, Eastern women do something more drastic and definitive: they turn to the cosmetic surgeon to undergo what is now called ethnic blepharoplasty , that is the intervention that changes the shape of the eye making it more "western". 


This is not a novelty of the moment. In truth, for many decades there have been examples of attempts to attenuate a particular typical of the culture of origin. Starting from Lebanon women who during the Second World War wanted a look that was closer to that of American women, to the need of many  American teenagers from Jewish families who in the 90s for their sweet sixteen asked to receive a gift between all: rhinoplasty. Skin whitening and hair straightening among African women are also quite common practices. 


Every fashion has its moment. News from a few days ago speaks of a boom in requests among Chinese and Japanese girls, who require an ever-increasing number to broaden their gaze to appear more in line with the Western physiognomy. According to the news, between 10 and 20% of requests would come from very young people who are still minors, but also from boys who claim to want to resemble their idols of music and cinema, often American or Western in general.




Although many women decide to undergo breast augmentation operations in Lebanon because they want to have XXL breasts, on the other hand, all those women who have exaggeratedly large breasts complain of discomfort and discomfort. Neapolitan women are notoriously very feminine and prosperous. Some of them have oversized breasts  and find in a breast reduction surgery a valid solution to the whole series of disorders related to a disproportionate breast.


Depending on the size and weight of the breast in question, there can be a whole range of ailments that should not be underestimated. First of all, excessive weight on the front leads to neck and back pains that are not negligible and which in the long run become unsustainable. Furthermore, both the weight and the bulk of an excessive breast limit a whole series of activities including sports and even playful ones (for example running, dancing). Irritative phenomena and sweating can occur in the area of ​​the mammary sulcus. 


But perhaps the aspect suffered most by women who decide to undergo a breast reduction surgery is the psychological one. Starting from the fact that it is difficult to find clothes of your own size or that in any case dress in the right way, to the embarrassment of showing oneself even only in a bikini up to the discomfort in being subjected to sometimes too insistent glances, it can be said that often women with a disproportionate breasts close in on themselves giving up a normal social life.


The intervention itself can be carried out with different and adaptable techniques on a case-by-case basis. It is very important to carry out the surgery after having fully evaluated together with the patient not only the modalities of execution, but the expectation created and the way in which she will change her body afterwards. It is in fact a decision to be pondered well. Giving up a part of oneself, however much it is a source of discomfort or annoyance, still involves a change of no small importance. Therefore, one must be prepared to see oneself different.




For Mini Facelift, it'll cost you around 10000$ in Lebanon.