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Plastic Surgery In Lithuania



Liposculpture, liposuction or even lipoaspiration: whatever it is called, it is among the most requested aesthetic interventions ever in Lithuania, and thanks to the new techniques developed in recent years the results are more natural and lasting.


The body is the most beautiful living work of art: the perfect harmony of shapes, proportions and its sinuosity cannot fail to arouse pleasure in the observer, but unfortunately sometimes this harmony is ruined by those accumulations of superfluous fat that it seems they really don't want to go away. The surgeon who becomes an artist of the body aims to restore the aforementioned harmony, to model, reshape, sculpt to restore that physical balance that makes us feel good about ourselves and with others. And all this thanks to one of the most popular treatments in cosmetic surgery:


Liposculpture or Lipoaspiration or more commonly Liposuction is particularly suitable for those people who are not excessively fat and who have the so-called "localized adiposity" I;e accumulations of fat in specific areas of the body.


It is a cosmetic surgery that shapes the contour of the body by removing excess localized fat, specifically it is a remodeling procedure of the adipose panniculus through the suction carried out by thin cannulae.


Knees, thighs, calf, ankle, abdomen, hips, buttocks, neck and arms, among the most treated areas: the most requested intervention area for women is generally that of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs, while for men the abdomen (love handles) and breasts (gynecomastia) are the most critical areas.


The advent of 3D in Lithuania, and we are not referring to cinema, has revolutionized the field of Liposculpture: it is in fact an approach to intervention that considers the three-dimensionality of the body as a whole, trying to re-establish a harmony of shapes through a global remodeling. .


In the case of three-dimensional liposuction in Lithuania, in fact, always using thin cannulas, the fat is aspirated in a more superficial way than the classic one, or is reintroduced in those areas where, for example, it is lacking.


It is clear that 3d liposuction should not be considered as an alternative method to lose weight and get rid of extra kilos but as an ace in the hole to reduce the aforementioned areas that "resist" to slimming diets or other cosmetic interventions. In fact, some areas of the body, while following an adequate diet and with constant physical activity, cannot be remodeled except through surgery. Surely it will have happened to notice slender but abundant women on the buttocks and thighs or thin men with bacon and love handles: they are not cases of overweight but only (and unfortunately) unsightly dispositions of fat cells in the body.


Example of three-dimensional liposculpture of the lumbar-sacral region in Lithuania


The three-dimensional liposculpture, therefore, helps to "sculpt" the body and does so definitively, because the removed fat does not reform, however, if we continue to eat excessively, the fat cells of the other body areas will tend to increase in volume, for so it is always important to maintain a balanced diet. While a diet or physical activity can reduce the volume of fat cells (adipocytes), liposuction removes the cells themselves: this means that there will no longer be such cells and in this way, the possibility of producing fat again is avoided.


In any case, the advice is not to bask after the operation but to constantly strive to maintain a healthy weight.






The new rhinofiller method is arousing the interest of many, especially on the web, unfortunately favoring the speculation of those sites that compare it to the classic rhinoplasty operation. These people, in fact, fearful of the scalpel or frightened by the negative stories of friends or relatives, believe they can finally find a painless solution thanks to the rhinofiller .


Nothing more wrong.


The rhinofiller, or as it is often called, non-surgical rhinoplasty, can be considered an alternative to the scalpel only in some cases and exclusively for minor cosmetic defects.


But let's try to understand what rhinofiller is & how to perform it in Lithuania


The rhinofiller in Lithuania is a non-surgical technique which consists in the infiltration of biocompatible and reabsorbable substances aimed at increasing the volumes of the nose. The purpose is in fact to fill small depressions in the nose so as to level a hump, to slightly raise a slightly drooping tip or to straighten a so-called “saddle” profile, ie hollowed out. It is not indicated for reducing the size of a nose that is too large or for correcting functional defects.


It can also offer a non-invasive alternative to surgical revision for those who need to perform post-operative touch -ups.


Example of use of the rhinofiller


Although the rhinofiller by its nature does not belong to surgery to aesthetic medicine it remains a treatment that must be entrusted to a plastic surgeon.


In fact, only the specialist knows the facial anatomy well and if the surgery is poorly performed it can lead to an aesthetic deterioration of the treated area.


The injected substances must be completely reabsorbable, although the resorption duration may be longer or shorter depending on the filler used and have no contraindications.


Example of filler based on calcium hydroxyapatite infiltrated on the nasal dorsum to correct the slight hump present and at the base of the columella to support the tip of the nose upwards


One of the advantages of the rhinofiller lies precisely in the times: very short duration of the intervention and almost no hospitalization. In fact, the infiltrations of fillers are carried out in a short time (about 30 minutes) and the resumption of normal activities is almost immediate.


Furthermore, the treatment does not include anesthesia, as it is painless, nor is the intake of drugs required before surgery.


It is necessary to touch up the nose every 12-18 months with a few small pricks of filler.


The rhinofiller also has the advantage of being reversible: for this reason, non-surgical rhinoplasty often allows patients to have a sort of preview of what their nose would be like after rhinoplasty.




Rhinofiller will cost you around 10,000$ in Lithuania.