Top Hair Transplant In Ukraine

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Hair Transplant In Ukraine

Hair Transplant In Ukraine


Young patients who start to show baldness in their adolescence, and end up looking older, may have their self-esteem shaken, affecting their interpersonal relationships.


These conditions can end up generating anguish and the search for hair transplantation, however, it is the surgeon's role to assess the condition and sometimes guide the patient to postpone the hair transplant.


Young patients with a history of aggressive baldness in the family may end up having poor results, because as the baldness evolves, only islands of a hair transplant will remain, therefore alternatives can be taken to alleviate the condition until the hair transplant can be performed.


Drug Treatment


Two drugs are currently approved by the US FDA for the treatment of baldness, they are finasteride and minoxidil.


Other treatments with faster responses can be used, but in the office only, such as the direct application of finasteride, minoxidil, and growth factors directly on the scalp.


Both have the role of slowing down hair loss and can be used as isolated treatment or as a post-hair transplant treatment.


Camouflage for baldness


The market is flooded with capillary fibers such as Toppik and others, which are fibers that adhere to the remaining strands and give an impression of greater capillary volume.


When the stability of the condition is reached after a few years and the patient has left the adolescence phase, then the surgeon can re-evaluate the possibility of hair transplantation.




One of the surgeries that have been growing lately is the correction of facial lift scars, which usually causes a retraction of the hair area on the sides and sometimes increases the entrances.


In men, sideburns can also change after a facelift and can be reconstructed. Hair strands can fall out in this region and the scar becomes more exposed. Hair transplants can rebuild these areas by bringing the hairline back to its original position and framing the face again.


This type of reconstruction with hair transplantation requires the surgeon's skill and experience so that the result is totally natural and imperceptible.


Hair transplantation is done under local anesthesia in our private surgical center in São Paulo, and the way of extraction of the follicular units can be done either by the FUT technique, where we remove a small strip of scalp from the nape region, and this strip is divided until obtaining the follicular units, or by the FUE technique where the units are extracted one by one without the need for suture.


The patient is discharged on the same day, and the results can be seen from the sixth plus, with the final result being seen in 1 year.




During pregnancy, it is common for a woman to experience hair growth: the strands grow faster, stronger, and shiny due to the increased production of hormones. And if over the nine months the hair seems more voluminous, the postpartum period is usually reserved for hair loss.


The amount of strands that end up falling out during brushing or on the pillow makes women run to the offices in search of a quick solution. 


“After childbirth, the production of these hormones tends to decrease, returning to their normal levels. Those hairs that grew by hormonal action begin to fall at a fast rate and this scares many women. It seems that the fall will evolve into a permanent baldness process, but it won't”, explains the specialist.


After the hair loss process, the hair's natural cycle returns to normality and for the hair to grow back, the recommendation is to have a healthy diet rich in flavonoids, in addition to constant hydration. “Rest, consume fruits and vegetables, hydrate yourself and avoid situations that damage your hair, such as braiding, ponytail, and brushing”, clarifies the doctor.


Hair Transplant


If, after a long period, the woman realizes that the hair replacement has not returned to normal, this is the time to seek medical help. During the follow-up of the case, one of the possibilities is that in some regions the hairs do not grow back even with vitamin supplementation and the recommended care.


One of the solutions being explored by women is hair transplantation. Dr. Thiago explains that the procedure is simpler than you think and the results are permanent.


“A patient who notices a bald spot can look for a hair transplant as a definitive solution. The procedure is simple, the anesthesia is local and the patient returns home the same day”, explains the surgeon.


Hair Transplant Cost In Ukraine


A transplant from 1000 grafts, partial shearing (nape, temples). The price for 1 graft is 35 UAH.