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Hair Transplant In Mauritius

Hair Transplant In Mauritius


The famous actor in Mauritius have undergone donor area Hair transplant surgery by the flap method, and according to the recommendations of the Hair Transplant In Mauritius, FUT hair transplantation is an ideal process for treating the following cases:

  • Men who have experienced hormonal or genetic alopecia within five or more years of hair loss.

  • Men with baldness rated 3 or more on the Norwood scale.

  • Cases in which hair loss treatments have been proven ineffective.

  • Cases of hair loss as a result of burns and trauma in men and women.


Of course, some general conditions must be met in the case, such as enjoying a good and stable health condition. It is not possible to perform a slide transplant for any condition that suffers from:

  • Take anticoagulants such as heparin, warfarin, and coumadin.

  • Take beta-blocker anti-hypertensive drugs such as Anderal and Propranolol.

  • Smokers (unless they are able to stop smoking for a period ranging from several months to a year).




The process of hair transplant in Mauritius is generally a simple process, but a hair transplant is the most difficult type of slice of hair transplant. Other than the minor pain caused by hair transplantation, there is the pain resulting from a cut wound made by the surgeon to extract the 20-25 cm long strip, and other than this wound, which may require some care or placing a bandage on it during the first days following the operation, the recovery period usually passes easily And pleased and not punctuated by a lot of inconveniences.


Of course, there are some instructions necessary to maintain the results of FUE, and these instructions include:

  • Avoid scratching the scalp.

  • Avoid shaving hair during the first two weeks after the procedure.

  • The first night after the operation, you should sleep in a semi-upright position by elevating the head with two pillows.

  • Smoking is prohibited within two months after the operation (or at least one month).

  • You should adhere to using the preparations prescribed by the doctor after the operation.

  • It is preferable to stop any strenuous physical activity during the first weeks after surgery.

  • Exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided as much as possible during the first days after the operation.

  • Swimming in swimming pools should be avoided in the first week after the operation (because they contain chlorine that may harm the newly transplanted hair and cause it to fall out).


The results of the transplantation process appear in the form of short hairs in the bald places once the procedure is performed (usually the follicles are shortened to a length of 2 mm before harvesting and planting to facilitate the cultivation process). The final results of the operation are stable within 6 to 8 months. The hair acquires the characteristics of the area in which it was transplanted and grows naturally.






At this stage, the areas of transplantation in the scalp, the areas of follicle collection, the number of follicles to be harvested and cultivated, the density of transplantation, and the assessment of the patient's condition as a whole are determined.




The doctor collects a strip of hair from the back of the head in an elliptical shape and stitches the scalp in a cosmetic way so that the wound disappears between the layers of hair. A medical bandage is placed on the wound



The surgeon or some of his assistants divide the hair strip into follicles, clean them from the remnants of the skin layers and prepare them for transplantation.




The hair channels in the scalp are opened and the collected follicles are implanted in them to end the transplantation process successfully.




Among the risks that you are exposed to during this operation are pain after the operation, and bleeding during or after the operation. As for the pain, it can be controlled with painkillers, while the doctor advises you to stop taking some medications long enough before the operation, and adhering to these instructions reduces the chances of bleeding during or after the operation. 


Other than this, there is a risk of exposure to the presence of visible scars resulting from harvesting the hair strip, and this scar may result from the surgeon’s lack of experience or from the nature of the body that is prone to problems in healing (in rare cases). The hairline is cosmetic and not visible on the scalp, and its effects disappear completely within six months.


There may be some swelling and redness at the site of the operation, which is expected and will fade quickly within a few days. Also, the person may lose sensation in a few places on his scalp. This symptom also disappears within three days after the surgery.




The development of hair transplant operations began in the fifties of the last century, and it was medically recognized and began to spread in the nineties. During this period, strip hair transplantation operations dominated medical centers in Mauritius due to their many advantages, including:

  • The possibility of covering large areas of the scalp.

  • Save time, effort, and cost.

  • Helps to increase the growth and stability of the follicles after planting.

  • Ensures a natural appearance of the hair and its distribution.

  • Flexibility and ease of surgical planning of the operation.

  • Currently, the FUE technique has developed in a way that made it preferred by doctors despite its high cost compared to the FUE technique, especially with the emergence of micro-Future techniques and hair transplantation robots.


Cost of Hair Transplant In Mauritius


Cost of Hair Transplant In Mauritius Rs 50,000 and Rs 140,000.