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Hair Transplant In Austria

Hair Transplant In Austria


Full and strong head hair makes us appear younger and more vital. Some hair loss patients experience hair loss and develop - mental problems. Many remedies are currently available on the market promise quick relief. But mostly they only cover up the symptoms and do not fight the cause. So the joy about the aids only lingers for a short time.


Oftentimes, considering a hair transplant is the only way to cover bald areas due to excessive hair loss and to have a lasting effect on hair growth. 


Austria’s diverse therapy concept offers numerous options, from hormone treatment to stem cell therapy and hair transplantation. In an initial free hair consultation, you can discuss your wishes with the doctor and receive an initial assessment of the possibilities.


Hair transplantation for men and women: the course of treatment


At around 80 percent, men are twice as likely to suffer from hair loss as women. Mostly for genetic reasons, some men already lose their hair abundance at puberty. Women, on the other hand, often struggle with hair loss around menopause.


As a rule, the forehead area and the top of the head are more likely to be affected in men. In female patients, the hair clearly loses density and thins over the entire head area.

In order to find the right treatment, the cause of the hair loss must be clarified in advance and a detailed anamnesis must be drawn up. The course of treatment is essentially the same for men and women. 


The Methods of modern hair transplantation


There are basically two treatment options for thinning hair, stem cell therapy, and hair transplantation. There are, in turn, various methods of implementation for the latter.


Stem Cell Therapy


The body's own stem cells with hair follicles are removed, processed, and injected into the affected area.


Hair transplantation Contrary to popular belief, hair transplantation does not involve the transplantation of individual hairs, but only the hair follicles. To do this, you take healthy hair follicles from a location that is not visible later and insert them into the bald area.

  • FUT method (Follicular Unit Transplantation) An elongated strip of hair is removed from the donor area, prepared, and implanted in the bald area.

  • FUE method (Follicular Unit Extraction) Individual hair follicles are removed in bundles (up to 5 hairs), processed, and used in the desired area.

  • Robotic FUE method (computer-controlled) Based on a previous scan, only vital hair follicles are removed, prepared, and then transplanted using a robot arm.


Stop hair loss with Regenerera Activa 


The Regenera Activa stem cell therapy is used primarily in genetically related hair loss. Hair growth is stimulated by injecting the body's own stem cells.


Genetically caused hair loss usually begins insidiously. Over time, the hair roots shrink and the hair begins to thin. With the Regenera Activa  process, it is possible to stop hair loss in the early stages and to reactivate your own hair growth so that hair growth becomes thicker again in the medium term.


If the hair loss is already more advanced, it may be necessary to combine it with other treatment methods. In order to achieve a particularly good and long-term result, it is necessary to draw up a detailed anamnesis before starting the treatment and to determine the reason for the hair loss. If organic causes are excluded, treatment can be started. This takes place in four steps.


Removal of tissue parts


In the first step, after a local anesthetic, hairy skin tissue with a diameter of about 2.5 mm is removed from an inconspicuous area - usually behind the ear. Before the removal, an anesthetic cream is applied, so the treatment is absolutely painless for the patient.


Tissue shredding the removed tissue is mechanically shredded, whereby the hair follicles are split off. The resulting cell suspension is then prepared with a saline solution. This process only takes a few minutes, so that the stem cells obtained can be injected directly.


Injection of the prepared cell suspension


Using a fine injection needle, the cell suspension is injected into the relevant regions. For an aesthetic result, precise prior planning and an exact implementation are necessary.


Hair growth begins


About four to six weeks after the treatment, the first results are already noticeable, although it can take up to six months for the full result to be visible.


Note: Doctors has the necessary certification for this treatment and there’re certified doctor in Austria to offer the Regenera Activa procedure.


Professional hair transplant with Robotic FUE


With the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) transplantation method, individual hair bundles (up to 5 hairs) are removed from an area on the back of the head with a hollow needle. To make it easier to carry out, the removal area is shaved beforehand and locally anesthetized.


Hair transplantation with the ARTAS Robotic FUE method differs from the conventional FUE method in that each individual hair is scanned and checked by a computer before the hair bundles are removed. This ensures that only the most vital follicular units that promise the desired growth are removed.


The removal itself is carried out with a computer-controlled robotic arm. This enables a very high level of precision. The minimally invasive procedure does not leave any visible scars. On the basis of the scan, a 3D simulation can also be produced in advance, which illustrates the desired result. This new method currently promises the greatest success and enables an optimal result.


Hair transplant costs in Vienna


The costs for hair transplants are to be calculated individually for each patient and are around €1,500 to €8,000 for specialists in Vienna.


The actual costs depend on the type of treatment, the size of the affected area, the desired hair density, the nature of the hair, and other factors. 


Frequently asked questions about hair transplantation


How many hairs will be transplanted?


The number of hair bundles transplanted (up to 5 hairs) depends on the area to be treated. However, no more than 2,000 to a maximum of 2,500 grafts (bundles of hair) should be transplanted per session.


Depending on the extent of the treatment, a session can last anywhere from one to eight hours.


Is the hair transplant painful?


Depending on the treatment method, the treated area is numbed locally with a local anesthetic or an anesthetic cream. Thus, both the removal of the skin tissue with hair follicles or the hair bundles with the donor hair and the subsequent transplantation is completely painless for the patient.