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Dental In Bahrain

Dental In Bahrain


Bichectomy is a surgical procedure in Bahrain that reduces the size of the cheeks and leaves the face with a thinner and more harmonious appearance jaw, called "Bichat balls".

The Bichat ball or fat was discovered in 1802 by the French anatomist Marie Francois Xavier Bichat. 


Generally, the surgical procedure in Bahrain is performed for aesthetic purposes with an intraoral incision and has an average duration of approximately 1:30 (one hour and thirty minutes). what you dream.


How is it made?


Usually performed by qualified dentists and/or plastic surgeons in Bahrain, as we have already mentioned, the surgery lasts an average of 1:30 (one hour and thirty minutes). As an aesthetic procedure, bichectomy in Bahrain is an excellent resource for reducing the size of the cheeks.


Initially, it was indicated in Bahrain for those who had problems with frequently biting the cheek, due to the narrowing of the buccal corridor. With the surgical intervention in Bahrain, the issue was resolved and the subsequent appearance of cancer was avoided.


However, interest has increased in Bahrain due to changes in beauty standards that have chosen thin faces as symbols of charm and seduction.


In any case, bichectomy has the purpose of returning self-esteem and well-being to the patient's life.


The operation is performed under local anesthesia in Bahrain. Recovery is also usually quick and many compare it to the extraction of wisdom teeth, as it has a very similar postoperative period, with the same care.


Swelling and bruising may remain for up to 5 days after the surgical procedure in Bahrain.


Contraindications for bichectomy


People with health problems, such as active infectious diseases, are contraindicated to undergo this type of surgery in Bahrain. Also, people with unrealistic expectations about the procedure should not undergo this type of operation.


Bichectomy postoperative


The postoperative period of bichectomy is simple in Bahrain. Normally there is swelling in the region, due to the surgical cut, which can be treated with the use of cold water compresses. 


If the incision was intraoral, it is recommended to avoid consuming citrus foods, which can cause greater discomfort. In addition, the use of sunscreen with a sun protection factor greater than 30 is very important.


The return to normal activities generally takes a week and the return to physical activities depends on the evaluation and indication of your dentist or doctor.


How long does it take for the result to be seen in Bahrain?


The final result of the new contour of the face is achieved in 2 to 3 months on average in Bahrain, but often after 14 days we already have a visualization of the improvement in the design of the face. 


Bichectomy has as a final result, the thinning of the face, leaving it with a more harmonious appearance. People with larger cheeks may notice greater contrast and thinness. People who are very overweight may not be candidates for this type of surgery.


What do you need to know about Orthodontics in Bahrain?


The dental specialty in Bahrain has three types, all to give your teeth more health:


Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry in Bahrain, responsible for correcting and aligning teeth and jaw bones. Much more than just aesthetics, oral problems such as crooked, overlapping teeth, with spaces between them or occlusion (when the upper and lower parts do not fit perfectly), can cause speech impairment, headaches, bad breath, gingivitis, among others, making consultation with a professional in the field if necessary.


Its function is essential for the development of the dental arch and facial bones to develop correctly. In more serious cases, the patient without an orthodontic in Bahrain follow-up may suffer tooth loss and even have abnormal growth of the jaw bones.


If you are looking for an orthodontist in Bahrain to make your smile more beautiful and healthy, check in Bahrain now the types of orthodontics and when to see this important specialist.


Types of Orthodontics in Bahrain


As it is a broad specialty, orthodontics has three types in Bahrain: preventive, corrective, and interceptive. Each one is for a phase of life and a type of problem. 


Preventive Orthodontics


As the name suggests, this area of ​​orthodontics prevents future problems with your teeth. Performed in childhood, up to 12 years of age, the dentist in Bahrain will make a complete assessment of the development of the child's dental arch.


During this process, the need to use an orthodontic device may arise to prevent problems in adult life. There are cases in which it is necessary to extract permanent teeth or even corrective surgeries for jaw deformity.


Interceptive Orthodontics


Also performed during childhood, in most cases in Bahrain, is the specialty that corrects existing orofacial deformities – as opposed to preventive. These problems can occur due to habits such as thumb sucking, nail biting, using a pacifier, or even due to breathing problems, and incorrect position of the tongue, among others. Because it is a problem that has already developed, treatment is carried out with surgery.


Corrective Orthodontics


The most popular type of orthodontics among people. Here, the dentist in Bahrain corrects teeth and bones with the aid of the famous braces – which have a different type for each case: fixed, mobile, or leveler.


With this treatment, it is possible to move bones and teeth, providing a beautiful and healthy smile. Many adults benefit from corrective orthodontics, which helps restore self-esteem.


Reasons to see an orthodontist in Bahrain


During your consultation with the dentist in Bahrain, they will certainly refer you to a specialist if there is any need for treatment in Bahrain. Generally, people who need to see this specialist have the following problems:

  • Biting problems;

  • Misalignment of the center of the upper arch with the center of the lower arch;

  • Gaps or gaps between teeth;

  • Teeth more than the dental arch supports.


With the evolution of orthodontics, it is possible to perform treatments much more safely and quickly. However, it is important that the patient follows the dentist's instructions so that the result is satisfactory, both for their health and aesthetics.


Dental in Bahrian offers a safe space, with the best specialists in the region and advanced techniques to make your teeth healthy, the way you always dreamed. Get in touch and schedule an evaluation!


Cost of Dental in Bahrain

  • Cleaning can cost BD25

  • Root Canal full treatment will cost BD140 or beyond. 

  • Filling Amalgam - BD 20 and Crowning will take about BD110